Research on Maharishi Sthapatya Veda

(also known as Maharishi Vastu) –

the Foundation of FeelGood® Homes


Finally, what is the subjective experience of the occupants of Maharishi Vastu homes, and how do these experiences line up with the proposed influences of good health, happiness, family harmony, success, and growth to enlightenment?

In an extraordinary and unprecedented survey undertaken in 2017, it was established that 90% of the occupants of Maharishi Vastu homes and communities attribute improvement in the quality of their lives to living in Vastu homes.  78% report that family relations have improved, 85% attribute less stress in their lives, 80% report an improvement in their mental health, 92% report greater success, and 88% report their children are happier.

 Survey that was conducted by Professor Sanford Nidich, Maharishi University of Management, and Jeffrey Abramson, in August of 2017, and offered to all residents of certified Maharishi Vastu houses and apartments worldwide.  Its results were compiled by Nidich from its 160 respondents.  Nidich was co-investigator on several prestigious US National Institutes of Health-funded research projects.

The survey results document that the system of Maharishi Vastu architecture delivers the nourishing influences that its literature claims: good health, happiness, family harmony, success, and growth to enlightenment.   Chart Two on health shows an improvement in mental health.  The chart on benefits for children documents greater happiness.  Chart Two on quality of life demonstrates increasing family harmony, the chart titled “Greater Success” documents that occupants of Vastu homes overwhelmingly report greater success, and Chart One on quality of life and chart One on health reveal an improvement in quality of life and a decrease in stress, two key markers of the growth to enlightenment.  Cumulatively, the research to date suggests clearly that Maharishi Vastu architecture has a powerful and profoundly nourishing effect.



We are left with great confidence that we can dramatically improve health, happiness, and success by constructing our buildings and cities according to the principles of Maharishi Vastu architecture.

For more research, go here: