Principle Seven

The Slope of the Land Should be Favorable for the Health of the Inhabitants.








The ideal site for a FeelGood Home is flat land.

Some parts of the Earth are better for comfortably living on than others.  To use an extreme example,  it would take enormous energy and a very unusual personality to enjoy living in Antarctica.

Even In a more attractive environment,  Maharishi Sthapatya Veda wants us to situate our house on land where living conditions will be most beneficial for our health and happiness.

Those living conditions include the slope of the land.

The ideal land for building a house on is flat.  A gentle slope downwards to the East, North or North-East is fine also.  But the ancient texts advise against building on land where the slope is to the West or the South.

Land that slopes to the East is very auspicious for building.


Land sloping to the North is also acceptable.


Land sloping to the West is not recommended.


Land sloping to the South is not recommended.


Modern science has yet to comment on Principle Seven.  While we wait for the objective analysis, there is good reason to accept the recommendation from the ancient texts.  That reason can be understood from the  proverb “little hinges swing big gates.”  Applied to house construction the proverb shows that a set of small, easily implemented specifications can deliver big results to the health, happiness and well-being of the inhabitants.