Principle Three

The Proportions and Dimensions of the Building Should Be Calculated According to Precise, Ancient Formulas that Are Harmonious with Universal Structures.

Everything in nature is properly proportioned according to its function.

For example, every part of the human body is not only properly placed, it is precisely proportioned, and any deviation can create imbalances and problems. Man made devices and structures also need appropriate proportioning, in order for them to be useful and to yield the most beneficial effect.

An early guitar might have looked like this.
Trial and error adjustments to a design can sometimes produce a structure that is just as useless as the one it was designed to improve.


Eventually, we reach the formula that gives us the most effective result.

Revival of Ancient Knowledge

As with musical instruments, there is an ideal proportion for every room in the home and office for Natural Law to provide maximum support.

The formula for designing buildings so that every room is optimally proportioned has been unused for centuries.

As a result, architecture has fallen into the abyss of random variations to design that fulfill the most basic requirements of a dwelling. such as shelter, but which sometimes lead to even harmful effects, such as sick building syndrome.

However, we in the 21sr century are fortunate to

Maharishi Sthapatya Veda Architecture takes advantage of the universal proportions with reference to the individual proportions of the human physiology.  When these ideal proportions are used, Natural Law can provide maximum support to the occupants.

Tuning an Orchestra

Just as the instruments in a orchestra are tuned so as to produce the best possible musical performance, so should the dimensions and proportions of a building be set at precise values in order to achieve the most harmonious environment for the occupants.

For example, in an orchestra, each instrument must be tuned to an agreed standard. It’s usually agreed that the frequency of the note A is 440 cycles per second.

Having set the note A as the reference for all other notes, the laws of music dictate that  that each other note will have a precise, measurable relationship to that A note.  For example, the first D note above A-440 should have a frequency that is 1.334 times the frequency of A, that is,  587.33 cycles per second.

The reference Note provides the starting point for all other notes.

From the listener’s perspective, when all the instruments are in tune,  the beauty of the music has maximum effect. The sound is optimal, and easy to appreciate.  The more precisely tuned each individual instrument is, the more in tune the orchestra is as a whole, and the more pleasant is the experience of the music.

But even if only one instrument in the orchestra is out of tune the effect on the listener is unsettling. The performance is spoiled.

The more out of tune that instrument is, and the more instruments there are out of tune, the less pleasant is the experience of the music.

Tuning the Building

As with an orchestra, a building can be in tune also. 

The measurements of your FeelGood Home will be adjusted according to a simple measurement of your body.

That measurement will be the reference point for all the dimensions and proportions in your house.

We will apply the ancient formulas to that measurement, so that all the walls, doors windows, etc, will be precisely designed and constructed to be in harmony with you and your family.

The result will be a home that fits your family like a tailored suit, in every room.

Because your home will be built according to universal principles, it will be in harmony with them.  This harmony will contribute significantly to the comfort, happiness, well-being and relationships of each member of your family.