Principle Eight
Bodies of Water Near to the Building Should be Located Auspiciously
An Australian Vedic home with the swimming pool appropriately located to the North-East of the house.
Modern research has begun appearing that shows being near a body of water makes us calmer and healthier.
Whilst the effects of being near “blue environments‘ are only just beginning to become known to modern science, Sthapatya Veda has long recommended the ideal placement for bodies of water near the home.
According to the ancient texts, the best position for a pool, tank or pond within the boundary of our land is to the North or the East of the dwelling. If water outside the property is in an inauspicious location then it can be balanced with fountains on the North side.
A plan for a community of Vedic homes in Ohio, USA, showing a lake to the East of the houses.
While we wait for modern science to verify these assertions, it does no harm to comply with them when we construct our FeelGood homes.
Headquarters of Maharishi Global Construction showing a feature lake on the Eastern side of the main building.